For those of you who are following this journey or walking your own, I sincerely appreciate you! I pray that whatever storms or trials you are facing, you stay encouraged and be the light in the darkness. I say that even as a reminder to myself, because I know that every hardship, difficulty and disappointment, is an opportunity for me to show other people who may be watching what the love of Christ looks like. I may be the only Jesus they see. 

My thoughts today are more of continuation of yesterday. I shared about how God used brought some things back to my remembrance concerning his word and how it applies to my life during this season. I think it’s so important to search the scriptures when you are going through hardship. I’m speaking primarily to Christians, but whether you acknowledge the Lord or not, know that his word speaks about you as well! There is nothing so scholarly or intelligent about me that I am able to interpret the Bible any better than anybody else. My confidence comes from knowing that when the waters are murky in my life, and they often are, I can trust that God will send his Spirit to direct my to the parts of His word that speak directly to my situation. I don’t always get the answer that I want, and the situation is not always resolved right away. What I do have is the assurance that my problems and issues aren’t a mystery to God. Since I belong to Him, I can trust that however He directs me may not be the quick and easy route, but it will be the way that leads me to His glory. 

I’m also thankful for the friends that have been raised up to be listening ears and open hearts during my journey. One particular friend that I spend time with regularly as of late, helped me think through some really confusing, very heavy thoughts that have been revolving in and out of my mind. The beauty in this is that I felt safe enough to share with her openly and not worry about who else would be privy to what I was sharing. That is so important! Now I’m not referring to gossip that could slander or damage a person’s reputation. If you’re doing any of that, stop it now. Trust me. I have been the topic of someone’s “opinions” about my life, and all it did was make me not want to share anything with anybody. I didn’t have these worries with my friend. I was able to be vulnerable, open and honest with her about where I was mentally and how I was processing everything that has been happening. How she responded to me was Spirit led. I can assure you I wouldn’t have gotten the same response from a blood relative. She was able to help me see things from a different perspective and reassure me that regardless of whatever turn my situation may take, God was in control and I needed to continue trusting him and continue to be a light. 

I’d like to act as my friend and encourage you in the same way. You may be scared, confused, hurting or even angry. Maybe your marriage is on the rocks, or you’re struggling as a single parent or just a single person having a very difficult time connecting the dots in your life. I want to let you know that everything about you is important to God. Nothing is insignificant or unnecessary as it concerns. God cares about it all, and you can trust him to take care of it all. You may not get the answer overnight or even within this year, but trust God. It sounds simple because there’s not eloquent way to talk about faith. It’s rugged, real and sometimes weighty. You just need to know that you’re not walking it out alone. This journey isn’t just about some external transformation. I’m going for lifelong change that takes place on the inside and radiates on the outside. I hope you have someone in your life that you can trust and that shares your beliefs and will stand with you. If you don’t, I offer to be that person. I may not know what you are dealing with or how long you’ve been dealing with it. I can point you to Jesus. He can relate to every one of your struggles because he struggled too. The only difference is he didn’t allow those struggles to change him. We have access to that power. We can change our situations too. It’s hard and sometimes it may seem like you’re the only one who cares. Keep going. Don’t give up. Someone else needs your strength. 

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